12 A [CHANGES]Des Xavier will be doing a live show at the Son'art guinguette during the Feria de Beziers, France the 11.08.2012, at 00h30 ...>>

12 J Des Xavier releases his new album : compulsive disorder, available as an mp3 download or as a CD here ...>>

11 N All loscape CDs are now available for purchase through our online retailer CCNOW, all prices include shipping ...>>

11 M Des Xavier will be doing a live audio-visual show at the Toulouse Hacker Space festival in Toulouse, France the 27.05.2011, at 21h ...>>

10 M Des Xavier releases his new album : attention disorder, available for free under creative commons license here ...>>

10 A Des Xavier will be doing a live audio-visual show at the Art Tea Zen cafe in Langport, Somerset, England, the 08.04.2010, at 21h to support the upcoming album "attention disorder" ...>>

Des Xavier will be doing a live audio-visual show at the Griffin Pub in Frome, Somerset, England, the 10.04.2010, at 20h to support the upcoming album "attention disorder" ...>>

09 J Des Xavier will be doing a collective interactive installation in Toulouse, the 04.07.2009, at 22h for the festival "Faites de l'Image",...>>

09 A Demodulate will be doing a live show at DNA lounge, San Francisco; April 16th opening up for Fixmer/McCarthy ...>>

09 M LoScape releases des xavier's first photo book : toulouse la rouge under creative commons license ...>>

09 J LoScape releases demodulate's first EP : lightly broken under creative commons license ...>>

09 J LoScape launches it's new website and releases Boki Virulente under creative commons license ...>>

08 J Des Xavier will be doing a VJ performance on Boki-Pigmea music in Toulouse, France the 05.07.2008, at 22h for the festival "Faites de l'Image", Jardin Raymond VI...>>

08 M Des Xavier will be doing a VJ performance with Marc Yamada in Toulouse, France the 24.05.2008, start 20h all night at the TerreBlanque St-Lys associative barn....>>

08 D Des Xavier will be doing a live music performance as Boki-Pigmea in Toulouse,France the 12.04.2008, 18h at the festival "Empreinte numérique", Centre Culturel Bellegarde, 17 rue Bellegarde. ...>>

07 J Des Xavier will be doing a VJ performance on Boki-Pigmea music in Toulouse, France the 30.06.2007 at the festival "Faites de l'Image", complex Bazacle. ...>>

07 A Des Xavier will be doing a VJ performance on Boki music in Toulouse, France the 19.04.2007 at the auditorium du Centre Culturel Bellegarde, 17 rue Bellegarde. ...>>

07 J LoScape launched its website on January 2007 with its first artist boki ...>>

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All sound recordings remain property of LoScape ©2012

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